10 December – Energy injustice

Written by Elizabeth Humphries, Parish Support Team

The continued need for Warm Spaces

Have a go and see where the Holy Spirit leads

That was the attitude of a member of the congregation at Wymondham Abbey who came up with the idea of using the Abbey as a warm space over winter.

What started as a warm space offering a simple free soup lunch then developed further when other groups began to use it.

A local mum offered to run a toddler group which is now thriving and community midwives used the warm space for post-natal groups.

During this past year, the need for churches and halls to provide warm spaces has continued as the increase in energy bills and the cost of living continues to have an impact on people already struggling financially.

PCC members, clergy and volunteers have often stepped out prophetically in action to provide these warm spaces, even as their own energy costs rise too.

In the Diocese of Norwich, churches have been able to apply for energy cost grants to help pay their own energy costs, as well as for providing warm hubs that were at risk without financial support.



As we seek to reach out to others to provide warmth and friendship, we pray for those who are cold or lonely this winter,

who struggle to pay their bills or provide for their families.

Help us to be watchful for those in need in our local neighbourhoods.



11 December – Rural inequality


9 December – Digital inequality